Change is upon us.
The pace and scale of modern business innovation is increasing. Many industries are experiencing widespread disruption. Digitally connected customers demand more at a faster pace. New competition comes from outside of traditional market segments. These trends place competitive pressures on businesses.
IT complexity can inhibit innovation.
IT modernization is all about finding smarter ways to do business. However, IT oper-ations teams manage ever-changing, complex IT architectures built on multiple platforms and complicated technology stacks. Many organizations struggle to deploy a modern infrastructure due to the maintenance cost and management complexity of their existing systems. Combined with the need to innovate at a faster pace, this complexity places a burden on IT operations teams. They are now asked to move faster, manage increasingly complex IT environments, and accommodate new development approaches and technologies.
Automation can help.
No matter the complexity of your environment or where you are on your IT modern-ization journey, an IT operations automation strategy can help you improve existing processes. With automation, you can save time, increase quality, improve employee satisfaction, and reduce costs throughout your organization.Modernize for a digital world 1 F5 Networks, “The State of Application Services,” 2019.of organizations are implementing automation and orchestration across IT systems and processes to achieve digital transformation initiatives.162%
Benefits of IT automation
IT automation can help your organization:• Speed operations and development. • Improve agility and responsiveness.• Boost productivity and efficiency.• Increase consistency and availability.• Improve security and compliance.• Focus on high-value, strategic initiatives
People are at the core of any enter-prise-wide initiative, and automation is no different. In order to adopt automation across your organization, all teams — including line of business, network, security, operations, develop-ment, and infrastructure — must be on board and participate
move projects within your organization from start to finish. Clear processes for creating, deploy-ing, managing, and adapting automa-tion are essential for broad adoption and ongoing use
An automation platform provides the capabilities for building, running, and managing your automation. In contrast to simple automation tools, an automation platform gives your organization a unified foundation for creating, deploying, and sharing consistent automation content and knowledge at scale
What is automation?
Automation is the use of software to perform tasks in order to reduce cost, complexity, and errors. It is prevalent in IT systems and business decision software, and can also be found in other industries like manufacturing, robotics, vehicle control, and more.IT automation uses repeatable instructions to replace an IT professional’s manual work. This could be a single task, groups of tasks, or even a complex orchestration of tasks. Its key purpose is to help overburdened staff regain control and shift their focus from tedious day-to-day matters to strategic initiatives. IT automation can help staff better perform their tasks and increase job satisfaction.
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