Simplified migration for RedHat Enterprise Linux
Upgrade or convert to Red Hat faster and easier than ever before
Perhaps one of the biggest decisions around an operating system is what to do in life-cycle events such asend-of-support milestones. In these times, the organization must decide to upgrade to a newer version,redeploy the applications or workloads on a fresh installation, or perform an in-place migration. No matterthe approach, it is important for organizations to get the level of technical support required and keepapplications available so users do not experience downtime. Overcome migration challengesWhether you are upgrading your existing Red Hat Enterprise Linux system or converting from a differentLinux distribution, Red Hat Enterprise Linux migration tools mitigate risk and reduce complexity so youcan have a smooth experience.We know migration projects can be time-intensive and that they introduce risks such as potentialdowntime, application incompatibility, and loss of customizations. Many organizations are concerned abouthaving the resources they need to keep their infrastructure fully operational during the migration andaddressing challenges that may arise. That is why Red Hat provides the tools and guidance necessary toovercome those challenges. Red Hat Enterprise Linux migration tools streamline the migration experience:Prepare—Use a premigration analysis to identify potential complications with workloads,configurations, or applications and use guidance on how to proactively remediate issues. Identifyingcompatibility issues prior to your migration provides the opportunity to mitigate risks and optimizethe system and layered applications before upgrading. Automate—Implement automated controls to reduce the risk of a migration project and maintainexisting configurations, customizations, and preferences. The migration experience is customizableto account for private repositories, custom applications, third-party commercial applications, andmore. Not only do the Red Hat Enterprise Linux migration tools require fewer resources, but lessmanual intervention saves time, money, and ensures reliability at scale.Migrate—Move to the latest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux quickly with access to full support,the latest updates, as well as all the performance, support, management, and security-focusedcapabilities that Red Hat Enterprise Linux has to offer. Whether you have just a few or thousands ofsystems, Red Hat provides migration options that suit every footprint and size.
About Red HatRed Hat
is the world’s leadingprovider of enterprise opensource software solutions, using acommunity-powered approach todeliver reliable and highperforming Linux, hybrid cloud,container, and Kubernetestechnologies. Red Hat helpscustomers integrate new andexisting IT applications, developcloud-native applications,standardize on our industryleading operating system, andautomate, secure, and managecomplex environments. Awardwinning support, training, andconsulting services make Red Hata trusted adviser to the Fortune500. As a strategic partner tocloud providers, systemintegrators, application vendors,customers, and open sourcecommunities, Red Hat can helporganizations prepare for thedigital future.
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Upgrade to the newest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Leapp
Red Hat makes it easier to modernize your environment by upgrading to the latest version of Red HatEnterprise Linux. For those accustomed to having to fully redeploy in order to upgrade, an in-placeupgrade may be a better choice over redeployment because migrations generally preserve customizationsand, consequently, reduce risk.Leapp simplifies the upgrade of your Red Hat Enterprise Linux environment. This new in-place upgradetool from Red Hat lets customers using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 get to the latest version in less timeand with less effort than traditional redeployment projects. Use the preupgrade analysis to ensurecompatibility and to remediate any issues. Leapp can then perform the upgrade in minutes, whilemaintaining your customizations, configurations, and preferences. With Leapp, you get the control,confidence, and freedom you need to streamline your upgrade and start taking advantage of everythingthe latest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux has to offer.For customers looking to upgrade from a version prior to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, guidance is providedto help get to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 so that you can use Leapp to get to the latest version.Convert from other Linux distributions with Convert2RHELAs organizations grow, they must evolve their strategy in order to scale their infrastructure. Both free Linuxoperating systems and paid versions can fall short in delivering the technical support resources andpartner ecosystem that is required at scale. Red Hat has now made it much easier to standardize on RedHat Enterprise Linux by providing Convert2RHEL.
Convert2RHEL from Red Hat lets you quickly convert other Linux
operating systems to fully supportedRed Hat Enterprise Linux. Avoid costly redeployment projects with this streamlined tool that maintainsyour existing customizations, configurations, and preferences during the migration process. WithConvert2RHEL, you have the control, confidence, and freedom you need to migrate quickly and starttaking advantage of your Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription.Let Red Hat simplify your migration experienceIf you choose to migrate on your own, we provide excellent guidance and tools for success. You can alsoengage Red Hat Services to help accelerate your migration. Red Hat experts bring proven knowledge andexperience to your migration project. We help you identify and convert key applications and workloads,and we mentor and enable you to continue confidently afterwards. Visit to learn moreabout our approach and to speak to a Red Hat expert