
1.1. Ansible Tower Version 3.8.0

  • Updated the Tower installer to include Automation Hub, which collectively serves as the Ansible Automation Platform installer

  • Updated the minimum system required Ansible version to 2.9

  • Updated Tower licenses to a subscriptions-based model that requires customer credentials or a subscriptions manifest

  • Updated inventory sources to allow configuration via full YAML inventory plugin configuration

  • Updated Tower to utilize a version of certifi that auto-discovers certificates in the system certificate store

  • Added several optimizations to improve performance for a variety of high-load simultaneous job launch use cases

  • Added fields: /api/v2/inventory_source/ host_filterenabled_varenabled_value

  • Added new Remote Archive SCM type for use in projects

  • Added an optional setting to disable the auto-creation of organizations and teams on successful SAML login

  • Added the ability to use an OAuth2 token in an Ansible Tower credential

  • Added the ability to use !include and !import constructors when constructing YAML for use with the AWX CLI

  • Added the ability to associate Kubernetes/OpenShift credentials to Job Template for playbook interaction with Kubernetes/OpenShift modules

  • Added the ability to include HTML in the Custom Login Info presented on the login page

  • Introduced Automation Hub as the content provider for Ansible Tower

  • Introduced the ability to configure content sources, including Automation Hub, on a per-organization basis

  • Introduced the import/export feature for ansible.tower collections

  • Introduced the import/export feature for awx-cl

  • Deprecated Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 as a supported operating system for a Tower node, which will be removed in a future release

  • Deprecated CentOS as a supported operating system for a Tower node, which will be removed in a future release

  • Deprecated Mercurial project updates, which will be removed in a future release

  • Deprecated Insights integration for applying remediation playbooks, and will be changed and/or removed in a future release

  • Removed memcached as a caching service for Tower

  • Removed support for Red Hat CloudForms as an inventory source and credential type

  • Removed fields: /api/v2/inventory_source/ source_regionsinstance_filtersgroup_by

  • Removed support for the PRIMARY_GALAXY_USERNAME and PRIMARY_GALAXY_PASSWORD settings. We recommend using API tokens to access Galaxy or Automation Hub

  • Removed support for HipChat notifications and therefore, all previously-created HipChat notification templates will be deleted due to this removal

  • Fixed PagerDuty notifications to properly send workflow job template approvals

  • Fixed notification messages that contain certain unicode characters

  • Fixed errors rendering stdout that contained UTF-16 surrogate pairs

  • Fixed workflows so Workflow Approval records can now be deleted

  • Fixed workflows so that certain users can now edit approval nodes

  • Fixed social auth logins across distinct browser tabs to no longer exhibit a confusing behavior

  • Fixed an HTTP 500 error when certain LDAP group parameters are not properly set

  • Fixed Tower’s handling of the auth_path argument for the HashiVault KeyValue credential plugin

  • Fixed custom Credential Types so they allow creation and editing of boolean fields

  • Fixed password prompting for credentials in certain cases

  • Fixed PostgreSQL to no longer deadlock when running many parallel playbooks against large shared inventories

  • Fixed a race condition that can lead to missing hosts when running parallel inventory syncs

  • Fixed performance associated with playbooks that store large amounts of data using the set_stats module