GatePoint Research: Application Development Acceleration Strategies
Survey Summary
▶Between March and July, 2018, Gatepoint Research invited selected executives to participate in a survey themed Application Development Acceleration Strategies.
▶ Candidates were invited via email and 139 executives from the United States, the United Kingdom and Italy have participated to date.
▶ Management levels represented are predominantly technical senior decision makers: 5% hold the title CxO, 8% are VPs, 51% are Directors, and 36% are Managers.
▶ 100% of responders from a wide variety of industries (business, financial, and telecom services, manufacturing, retail, construction, and transportation) participated voluntarily; none were engaged using telemarketing.
Executive Overview
Rapid response to changing market conditions and business needs is a top performance measure for organizations worldwide. The ability to succeed in the market depends on app dev speed. So, what’s in the way of progress toward that goal? This survey asks respondents to report:
▶ Currently, how quickly can their organization shift to meet changing business demands?
▶ What performance factors would make a positive impact on the speed with which they bring new products to market?
▶ Do their business analysts and developers collaborate successfully?
▶ Are task assignments and monitoring automated? What percentage of business processes are automated?
▶ What changes would make their organization move faster?
How would you describe your organization's ability to react to shifts in demand?

Only 21% of responders can boast they are quicker to react to shifts in demand than the competition. The rest admit they respond only as quickly (60%), or are slower than their competitors (19%).

What top 2 factors influence how quickly you can get new products to market?

The time it takes to add or modify apps is a critical influence on speed to market, say 75% of responders. Changing process rapidly is rated second most important by 57%.

How effectively do your business analysts and developers currently interact?

Most responders have good or improving interaction and collaboration between their business analysts and developers, but 19% indicate they don’t know, or interaction between the two groups is not optimal and needs attention.

How satisfied are you with the length of time it takes to change a business application?