


PCC-IT Cooperative Purchasing Contracts

1 – PEPPM – 39 Brand Contracts

Schedule 70 GSA Contracts:
-Partnered with TD Synnex

1 – GSA MAS Contract #47QTCA19D00MM
2 – GSA MAS Contract #GS-35F-0563U

Additional Federal contracts (partnered with TD Synnex)

2 – ITES-SW2
3 – CIO-CS

Cooperative Purchasing Contracts – Partnered with TD Synnex

1 – PEPPM Contract #530205-001
2 – OMNIA Contract #R200803
3 – Equalis Contract #EQ-013120-01
4 – NCPA Contract #01-97
PEPPM Nationwide
Contract Name


Awarded Vendor

AxxonsoftVideo management systemPCC-ITKCSOS536222-006
BitdefenderCybersecurity managementPCC-ITCSIU536202-006
ClearOneAudio and video products and accessoriesPCC-ITKCSOS536222-008
CrestronVideo and audio control systemsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-011
D-LinkNetworking productsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-014
Extreme NetworksNetworking productsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-017
FileWaveEnterprise level multi-platform systems and mobile device management softwarePCC-ITCSIU536202-018
Fujitsu – ComputersHardware, software, related services and other branded productsPCC-ITCSIU536202-020
Fujitsu – ComputersHardware, software, related services and other branded productsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-020
GetacRugged laptops, tablets, peripherals, and other branded productsPCC-ITCSIU536202-021
GoogleHardware, software, related services and other branded productsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-022
HID GlobalSecure identity solutionsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-025
IBM CorporationHardware, software, related services and other branded productsPCC-ITCSIU536202-026
Intel NUCMini computers and accessoriesPCC-ITCSIU536202-029
JAR SystemsCharging solutionsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-030
Juniper NetworksNetworking and security productsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-031
Lenovo Global TechnologiesServers, storage and networking hardware, software and related
McAfeeNetwork analysis, antivirus and security softwarePCC-ITCSIU536202-035
McAfeeNetwork analysis, antivirus and security softwarePCC-ITKCSOS536222-038
Microsoft – HardwareTablets and other branded hardwarePCC-ITCSIU536202-036
Microsoft – HardwareTablets and other branded hardwarePCC-ITKCSOS536222-040
Microsoft – SoftwareOperating systems and applications softwarePCC-ITKCSOS536222-041
NvidiaGraphic cards, video accelerators, GPUs, NVSwitches, AI/ML/DL systemsPCC-ITCSIU536202-039
Optoma TechnologyProjection equipmentPCC-ITKCSOS536222-045
PeerlessTelevision/electronic board mounts and projector bracketsPCC-ITCSIU536202-041
Phillips Professional Display SolutionsProfessional TVs, signage solutions and business monitorsPCC-ITCSIU536202-042
Samsung – Networking and VoiceNetworking and voice communication productsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-054
Seal ShieldProtective waterproof peripheralsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-055
Seal ShieldProtective waterproof peripheralsPCC-ITCSIU536202-050
Shuttle ComputerDesktops, mini computers and accessoriesPCC-ITKCSOS536222-058
SikluWireless fiber connectivityPCC-ITKCSOS536222-059
Sony Electronics – ProfessionalProfessional cameras, monitors, decks and recorders, switchers,
audio, projectors and displays
StoragecraftBackup and disaster recovery productsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-064
Trend MicroAntivirus and internet content security productsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-069
VaddioPTZ cameras, specialty camera control systems and professional
USB peripherals
VeritasIT managament productsPCC-ITCSIU536202-061
VivotekIP CCTV SystemsPCC-ITKCSOS536222-074
WatchGuardWeb security productsPCC-ITCSIU536202-065
Xerox Corporation – PrintersPrintersPCC-ITKCSOS536222-078